Thursday, August 25, 2011

Five Outlook nghtmares (and how to fix them)

  Preston Gralla: Surprising good news for Windows Phone 7 --- mobile ad impressions skyrocket | Preston Gralla: Microsoft comes out a winner in cloud deal with Chinese Linux provider
  Computerworld Microsoft

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Five Outlook nghtmares (and how to fix them)
You use Microsoft Outlook to manage your email, your appointments, your contacts, and your to-do lists. So when this program doesn't behave the way it's supposed to, you have a nightmare. Following are solutions to five common but serious Microsoft Outlook problems. Read More


Migrating to Microsoft Exchange 2010?
Answer 4 questions before you switch. We'll show you your time & resource savings by managing your Exchange environment with our cloud-based solution that: eliminates complexity during & after migration, provides continuity, archiving & security in a single solution and delivers a 100% service availability SLA during planned & unplanned outages. Click to continue

WHITE PAPER: Diskeeper Corporation

Ensuring Maximum Performance on Windows 7 Systems
Independent tests show that fragmentation prevention and defragmentation resulted in performance benefits significantly beyond those delivered by the native Windows 7 utility. Learn more.

Preston Gralla: Surprising good news for Windows Phone 7 --- mobile ad impressions skyrocket
There's finally a piece of good news for Windows Phone 7: A new report found that the number of ads viewed by Windows Phone 7 users skyrocketed in July, up 71% over the previous month. Still, the report shows that Microsoft's smartphone OS has a long way to go.   Read More

Preston Gralla: Microsoft comes out a winner in cloud deal with Chinese Linux provider
In a sign that Microsoft recognizes that the future is multi-platform, and not Microsoft-centric, it has signed a deal with China's leading Linux provider to develop and sell cloud-computing solutions for the Chinese market. This is good news, not just for Microsoft but for anyone who is interested in using the cloud. Insider (registration required)   Read More

SDK for Windows Phone 7.5 apps will arrive in September
The final version of the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 will arrive at the end of September. It allows developers to take advantage of new features in Windows Phone 7.5, also known as Mango, Microsoft said in a blog post on Tuesday. Read More


Monitor Services in the Cloud: Tips, Tricks and Tools
To get the most from your Enterprise Cloud, you must understand how to leverage the cloud features to provide optimal utilization resources. This whitepaper helps IT managers understand the fundamental options for monitoring the cloud. Read Now

Microsoft throws support behind USB 3.0 with Windows 8
Microsoft is incorporating a software stack in its upcoming Windows 8 OS to natively support devices based on the USB 3.0 interconnect, which is in a battle for adoption with Intel's Thunderbolt. Read More

Microsoft readies app submission process for Mango
Microsoft will release a detailed overview of the Mango app submission process later on Tuesday, the company said in a blog post, as it prepares to release the first major update to Windows Phone 7. Read More

Microsoft, Chinese firm to co-develop cloud products
Microsoft said on Tuesday it will work with a Chinese operating system developer to create cloud computing products for the country's market, a move that could help the U.S. company sell to China's government agencies. Read More

Preston Gralla: WebOS death may breathe life into Windows Phone 7 --- 1,000 WebOS developers express interest in it
Microsoft wasted no time in capitalizing on the death of HP's WebOS --- the company has already reached out to WebOS developers, and 1,000 of them have so far expressed interest in developing for Windows Phone 7. That could be a key part of breathing life into Microsoft's struggling smartphone operating system.   Read More



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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:38 AM Kategori:


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