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Execs get ready: Workers will soon be running companies WHITE PAPER: Delphix Database Provisioning, Refresh, and Data Recovery 12:1 storage consolidation Self-service database provisioning and refresh Faster and more agile application development Consolidated and more predictable disaster recovery Read now! In this Issue
RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Cisco Systems, Inc. Transform Your Business with Video Business video is exploding in popularity. As video becomes increasingly pervasive, businesses need to uncover the most efficient and productive ways to deploy the media. Cisco Services offers four detailed white paper seriesplus complementary short videosthat outline practical steps for harnessing the power of video and realizing the best ROI. Go Now Leveraging your power at work Your next job: Mobile app developer? How are students learning programming in a post-Basic world? WHITE PAPER: F5 Seven Data Center Challenges One of the pillars of the Virtual Data Center is virtual platform infrastructure, or the virtual machine; however virtual platforms are dependent on many other, oft forgotten components of both the physical and virtual data center. Learn More Today! CIO wannabes told to think outside the box Most IT pros don't fear losing their jobs to the cloud Project management: 4 ways to manage your budget Study: Colleges lack BI, analytics concentration | ||||||||||
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CAST YOUR VOTE IN OUR LATEST QUICKPOLL Do you like the direction Microsoft is headed in with Windows 8? Bad bosses, useless users, clueless consultants, lyrical limericks -- it's all in a day's tank for Sharky. Join him and his pilot fish for a daily dose of IT from the trenches. Submit your true IT tale, and if Sharky takes a bite, he'll send you a sharp Shark shirt! NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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