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March 4, 2025
The Dutch and English spent years warring over nutmeg.
Clinking glasses can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Today, whether you're sharing a bottle of wine or taking a shot, you'll want to observe proper cheers etiquette.
Getting extra rest on the weekends won't make up for a lack of sleep throughout the work week. →
Want to know the difference between an okay trip and an unforgettable one? It's simple: speak the language. Babbel offers lessons designed by real language experts to help you start speaking it in just three weeks. →
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Which two states do not observe Daylight Saving Time?
(Scroll down to see the answer)
Animal bones uncovered in ancient "bear gardens" cued researchers in on the barbaric entertainment event. →
When someone holds a belief, they rarely pause to consider the information they may be missing, a new study found. →
The deep blue cover of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is perhaps the most widely-recognized book cover. →
This state also has some of the most restrictive alcohol policies in the U.S. →
Arizona and Hawaii
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:30 AM Kategori:
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