Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Word of the Day: Esprit de corps

Can you pronounce esprit de corps?
Word Daily
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

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noun 1. A feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group.

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Play Button "After transitioning to remote work, the company maintained its esprit de corps by organizing virtual team-building events."
Play Button "The volunteer organization's remarkable esprit de corps made it possible to coordinate relief efforts effectively."
Play Button "The football team's fans show their esprit de corps by cheering them on for both winning and losing games."
French, late 18th century
Why This Word?
Here are a couple of French words to add to your vocabulary: "esprit" means "spirit," and "corps" means "body." The phrase that translates directly as "spirit of the body" is used to refer to the general feeling of camaraderie shared by a group. ...
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 3:31 AM Kategori:


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