Friday, August 30, 2024

Is The Media Trying To Gaslight Us About The State Of The US Economy? πŸŒŽ ​      

Breaking News Updates - August 30, 2024
Is The Media Trying To Gaslight Us About The State Of The US Economy?
Millions of Americans are sleeping in their vehicles, thousands of businesses are failing all over the nation, and most of the country now believes that the American Dream is no longer attainable. If this is what a "booming" economy feels like, I would hate to see what would happen during a "recession".
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Epidemic Of Cultural Christians - Abandoning The Bible For Cultural Acceptance
New data strongly suggests that evangelicals are more likely to be shaped by the culture around them than they are to influence or evangelize and it begs important questions: What led to this? What does it say about the current church?
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Most People Oblivious To Revised 2024 Extreme Democrat Platform
The alterations made between the two drafts indicate a Democratic Party moving ever further to the Left if that is possible.
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The Moral Cowardice Of European Christian Leaders
At a time when Europe's very future hangs in the balance, its two most senior Christian leaders have abandoned their most sacred duty to protect and defend the values of the Bible.
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 3:00 AM Kategori:


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