Deadspin, a trashy, barely-functioning sports blog published an article Monday titled, "The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” in which senior writer Carron Phillips accused Holden Armenta, 9 years old, of wearing racist blackface at a Chiefs-Raiders game in Las Vegas the previous day. Notably, Phillips included a photograph only showing one side of the child's face painted in black, not the red side to represent the team colors.
Phillips, a self-described "Pulitizer Prize nominee," failed to mention the red paint or any context about the headdress the child wore in his initial op-ed, and immediately accused the team and NFL of allowing fans to display "racism and hate" at games.
"The answers to all of those questions lead back to the NFL," Phillips wrote. "While it isn’t the league’s responsibility to stop racism and hate from being taught in the home, they are a league that has relentlessly participated in prejudice. If the NFL had outlawed the chop at Chiefs games and been more aggressive in changing the team’s name, then we wouldn’t be here."
The op-ed set off a tsunami of sharp criticism, which, in turn, prompted Phillips to double down on his take in a since-deleted tweet: "For the idiots in my mentions who are treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red, I could make the argument it makes it even worse."
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk roasted Phillips by calling him "an unapologetic racist and a deceiver," while Outkick founder Clay Travis called on the family to sue Deadspin for defamation. Even the Daily Caller's own Scoops Delacroix got in on the action with a blistering column, blasting Phillips as a "scumbag who hates freedom and cheeseburgers":
"The kind of scumbag that doesn't just hate football, but hates you. The fan itself. The kind of scumbag who hates America. The kind of scumbag who hates freedom and cheeseburgers and light beer and beautiful blondes. The kind of scumbag who would see this country die on its knees before laying their own gelatinous spine on the line for any cause worth a damn."
But ultimately, Armenta and his family got the last word, revealing to media that Holden is, in fact, Native American!
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