Monday, January 26, 2015

Would you fit in as an embedded IT worker?

Which mobile data provider is best? (And will you make a switch?) | Dell Venue 8 7000 review: A distinctive and premium Android tablet

Computerworld This Week

The embedded IT worker: Would you fit in?
The trend toward embedding IT workers within business units has been much heralded in theory, but slow to take off in practice. Those organizations that have made the move to an embedded IT workforce talk about the pros and cons. Read More


Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management
Enterprise content management offerings address a range of user constituencies and business requirements, an increasingly common one being for delivery of personalized content in context. In light of this and other demands, we assess 22 vendors to help you identify the right one for your needs. Learn More


Hidden Problem with SAN and Other Data Storage
Did you know that migrating to a SAN or other data storage device will cause links that point to the old storage location to become broken? This is an often hidden problem that can result in costly disruptions and even data loss! LinkFixer Advanced can automatically fix those broken links. Click to download your FREE trial version of LinkFixer Advanced now!

Which mobile data provider is best? (And will you make a switch?)
Computerworld readers rate AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon on data connection speed, reliability, customer service and more. Find out which carrier gets the most cheers — and which the most jeers — from our 2014 survey respondents. Read More

Dell Venue 8 7000 review: A distinctive and premium Android tablet
With its striking design, premium materials and stellar display, Dell's Venue 8 7000 isn't your average Android tablet. Read More

Forget Windows 10 -- here are the four most important words Microsoft said today
The new Spartan browser, the Cortana digital assistant and even the snazzy holographic platform weren't the real high points of Microsoft's presentation. Here's what was. Read More

Acompli: A look at Microsoft's new mobile email tool
Acompli was originally built to bring world-class, intelligent email to mobile devices, notably iOS and Android. Microsoft announced its purchase of Acompli in December; here's how the current version works and what the Microsoft deal means. Read More

WEBCAST: IBM Corporation

What's New in Elastic Storage Version 4.1
Please Join IBM and Nuance Communications Inc. to learn how Nuance uses IBM Elastic Storage to improve the power of their voice recognition applications by managing storage growth, cost and complexity while increasing performance. Learn More

Review: LulzBot Mini 3D printer delivers outstanding details
The new LulzBot Mini is a solid 3D printer that is more accurate than any I've used to date. The machine, which fits nicely on any desktop, is also fast and compatible with numerous thermopolymers. Read More

Broken Lollipop: 5 things that need to be fixed ASAP with Android 5.0
For all of its positives, Android 5.0 has some pesky defects that need to be addressed. Read More

Be prepared for the breach that's headed your way
If we learned anything in 2014, it was that no one is immune to a massive data breach. If one hits you this year, are you going to have the visibility that will let you tell the executive team what they need to know? Read More

The 2015 Social Engineering Survival Guide
What you need to know to keep your enterprise secure from social engineering exploits. Read More

Digital Spotlight: Mobile Security

Read how to make your workers smart about mobile security by moving beyond policies and penalties and embracing an approach designed to identify and correct specific problem behaviors.

View the Digital Spotlight now. [Registration required]

Computerworld's Digital Magazine

Computerworld's monthly Digital Magazine showcases articles, analysis and commentary on important trends in enterprise IT, in core departments such as News Analysis, Features, Opinions and Shark Tank. The new digital format offers seamless navigation, with easy scrolling and zooming, and links to useful related stories. The January edition is available now [Registration required]:

To read the issue, click here.

Free Shark Tank T-shirt
Clueless Consultants? Bungling Bosses? Useless Users? Tell me your tale. If it gets published, you get a sharp Shark shirt. Shark Tank FAQ

Internet of Things: Get the latest news!
Our bimonthly Internet of Things newsletter helps you keep pace with the rapidly evolving technologies, trends and developments related to the Internet of Things (IoT). Subscribe now and stay up to date!

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 12:23 PM Kategori:


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