Monday, January 5, 2015

IT pro's revitalization guide 2015

  Tech luminaries we lost in 2014 | 10 lessons U.S. tech managers can learn from their counterparts in China

  Computerworld This Week

IT pro's revitalization guide 2015
Happy New Year, tech pros! Why not take a moment to recalibrate your personal and professional goals with some of our most insightful IT management articles? Read More


Is ECM Just a Cost of Doing Business?
This paper outline the finding of the most recent research commissioned by OpenText. From the results of extensive customer interviews with some of the world's best-known brands across a wide variety of industries, OpenText has uncovered a wealth of information about the ROI of ECM. Learn More


eBook: Securing Business Information in the Cloud
For security and IT pros concerned with protecting sensitive information across multiple endpoints and applications. Explore how cloud can enable us to go back to basics of security to address the challenges of distributed computing and make our organizations more secure. Learn More>>

Tech luminaries we lost in 2014
In 2014, the tech industry lost many of its most-cherished members. Some reached for the stars. Others had two feet on the ground. They were pioneers, inventors, rocket scientists, authors, scholars and entrepreneurs. You might not know their names, but you know their products, their companies and their legacies. Read More

10 lessons U.S. tech managers can learn from their counterparts in China
China's tech star is rising rapidly. Global companies -- and their savvy IT leaders -- would do well to keep a close eye on the country's technological transformation. Read More

2014: The tech year in cartoons
From Satya Nadella's rise to the top spot at Microsoft to the emergence of 3D printing and the Internet of Things, here's a look at some of the year's biggest IT stories from the pen of Computerworld's editorial cartoonist, John Klossner. Read More

15+ Apple predictions for 2015
Apple is preparing for another busy year in 2015, here's some suggestions of what to expect: Read More

The best office apps for Android
Which office package provides the best productivity experience on Android? We put the leading contenders to the test. Read More

WEBCAST: IBM Corporation
Do you know how Forward-Thinking BI works?
5 Benefits of a Forward View of your Business Learn More

Opinion: Microsoft will surprise in 2015
As the company seeks new ways to grow, it is likely to explore things once unthinkable for it Read More

Get the most from your new tech gear
Find tips, tricks, apps, accessories and advice for the proud owners of new Android, Android Wear, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows devices. Read More

12 life-changing social media resolutions
Want to transform your life? No, not your real life. Your online social media life. Here's how. Read More

3D printing medical breakthroughs -- including dog legs
From 3D-printed skin to prosthetic legs for a dog, here are some of the medical advancements that 3D printing has brought about this past year. Read More

Netflix blocks CUSTOMERS using VPNs
Online video purveyor Netflix is now reportedly blocking most VPN-based connections to its service. VPNs incidentally, provide an easy way for non-US based Netflix customers to watch US content and movies. But, as it turns out, Netflix may be celebrating a bit prematurely... Read More


Digital Spotlight: Mobile Security

Read how to make your workers smart about mobile security by moving beyond policies and penalties and embracing an approach designed to identify and correct specific problem behaviors.

View the Digital Spotlight now. [Registration required]

Is your IT department a great place to work?

Computerworld is seeking to identify the 100 top workplaces for IT professionals for our 22d annual Best Places to Work in IT list.

We invite Computerworld readers, HR and PR professionals and other interested parties to nominate organizations, in any industry, that they think are providing great working environments for IT employees, including challenging work, fair pay and ample training opportunities.

Nominate a company now through Dec. 31, 2014.

Computerworld's Digital Magazine

Computerworld's monthly Digital Magazine showcases articles, analysis and commentary on important trends in enterprise IT, in core departments such as News Analysis, Features, Opinions and Shark Tank. The new digital format offers seamless navigation, with easy scrolling and zooming, and links to useful related stories. The December edition is available now [Registration required]:

To read the issue, click here.

Free Shark Tank T-shirt
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:58 AM Kategori:


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