Richi Jennings: Twitter retweets favorites! Twitter retweets favorites! | YouTube music might be a win for other Google services | ||||||||||
Computerworld Social Media | ||||||||||
| The trouble with trolls (and how to beat them) : Aerohive Navigating the New Wireless Landscape Wireless LAN controllers are about to become obsoletea fate sealed by the advent of 802.11ac. This KnowledgeVault is packed with informative short videos, webcasts and white papers that show how you can capitalize on this emerging trend. View Now>> In this Issue
RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Data+ Conference Are you monetizing your social data? Tweets, updates, likes and more; social media is rich with customer interactions and ripe with business intelligence that's yours for the picking. The challenge is in knowing how to analyze and optimize new data formats, including sensors to social, mobile and more. Learn how to manage and monetize your social data at the Data+ Conference, September 7-9, 2014 in Phoenix, Arizona. Sign up to attend free at: Richi Jennings: Twitter retweets favorites! Twitter retweets favorites! YouTube music might be a win for other Google services Tweets about Ferguson, Mo. shooting show Twitter's quick grip on the news WHITE PAPER: IBM Big Data Hadoop Solution Report, Q1 2014 Read this report from Forrester Research and find out why IBM InfoSphere BigInsights was named a leader among 9 companies evaluated, and how it stands in relation to other big data Hadoop vendors. Read now
So you've said yes to the use of personal tech. How do you make it work for and in your business? Read More
Twitter to remove images of deceased upon request How to craft a social media policy | | ||||||||
Computerworld Digital Magazine Computerworld's new monthly Digital Magazine showcases articles, analysis and commentary on important trends in enterprise IT, in core departments such as News Analysis, Features, Opinions and Shark Tank. The new digital format offers seamless navigation, with easy scrolling and zooming, and links to useful related stories. The August edition is available now [Registration required]: To read the issue,click here. FREE SHARK TANK T-SHIRT INTERNET OF THINGS: GET THE LATEST! SUBSCRIBE TO COMPUTERWORLD DAILY NEWS Sign up for our popular, twice-daily tech news newsletter. You'll get Computerworld's up-to-the-minute top stories of the day, both first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon (ET). We deliver breaking news on topics like the latest security threats and the newest mobile devices, in-depth features about enterprise technologies and IT careers, and authoritative analyses of moves made by tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM and HP. To sign up now, click here. DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: CONSUMERIZATION Learn how four long-time BYOD implementers have changed their focus to keep up with morphing requirements, especially with regards to locking down corporate data. View the Digital Spotlight now. Computerworld's Premier 100 IT Leaders 2015 Computerworld has launched its annual search for technology professionals who have demonstrated leadership in their organizations through the use of IT and have the strategic vision to align technology with business goals. Nominations are being collected now through Friday, July 25. For more information about the program, please visit our website. Questions? Please email us at JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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