Slideshow: 3 new team collaboration tools | Wolfram fortifies SystemModeler with more libraries | |||||||||
Computerworld Application/Web Development | |||||||||
| Working together: 3 new team collaboration tools WHITE PAPER: Box The Next Frontier for the Mobile Enterprise IDC focuses this article on the new IT platform. This 3rd IT Platform will be the new wave for about the next 25 years, so they urge all current companies to embrace it themselves. They also talk about how mobile is a huge part of this new platform, and that not only sales for smartphones are rapidly expanding, but so is developer interest. Learn more >> In this Issue WHITE PAPER: HGST Accelerating Oracle with Preferred Reads This article shows how the Virident | HGST FlashMAX II card can be used to gain read Flash performance in an ASM cluster, while keeping a copy of the data in the existin SAN storage array. View Now>> Slideshow: 3 new team collaboration tools WHITE PAPER: Medhost Before you choose patient portal solution By asking the right questions and connecting the right stakeholders, you can ensure that you implement a true community solution that will improve the continuum of care for your clinicians and patients. Learn More Wolfram fortifies SystemModeler with more libraries | | |||||||
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