JR Raphael: Make your Android screen smarter with this one simple app | Preston Gralla: Microsoft upgrade blunder gives people one more reason not to buy a Windows Phone | ||||||||||
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| Jonny Evans: Using Apple's iCloud Keychain, iOS, Mavericks WHITE PAPER: CDW Cloud Storage and Backup The proliferation of cloud computing options has begun to change the way storage is thought about, procured and used. IT managers and departments need to think through how cloud options might fit into and complement their onsite data infrastructures. Read Now In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Network Instruments Three Shortcuts for UC Success Managing UC means delivering streaming video fluidly, transmitting voice with clarity, moving IM's briskly, and send emails promptly. Easier said than done. To succeed from setup to show time, take these three tips to achieve the high performance end-users expect. Learn More JR Raphael: Make your Android screen smarter with this one simple app Preston Gralla: Microsoft upgrade blunder gives people one more reason not to buy a Windows Phone Darlene Storm: Free candy: Social engineer tricks for company secret treats WHITE PAPER: BMC Software Cloud benefits for the IT Service Management Market BMC explores how the right IT Service Management approach can drive user satisfaction and organizational success. Learn More Antone Gonsalves: What Android 4.4 KitKat needs for security
You may be scratching your head about how to apply deduplication to your enterprise or service organization. This is perfectly reasonable, as several terms have been bandied about by vendors in the industry regarding which type of deduplication is the best. Here is a simple breakdown and explanation of these terms so you can make the right call for your company. Read More
Sharky: All trick, no treat | | ||||||||
COMPUTERWORLD'S 2014 SALARY SURVEY How will your salary compare with your IT peers? Computerworld's 28th Annual Salary Survey will feature the latest IT salary trends and advice on where to find the best-paying jobs. This year's survey participants can enter a drawing to win 1 of 3 American Express gift cards for $500 each! The drawing is open to legal U.S. residents, age 18 or older. Take our annual Salary Surveytoday! In our in-depth report on security, we take a closer look at mobile security and the tricky balancing act that comes when you want to give employees greater access to data but also need to keep corporate information safe. Also, we look at how companies are using new technologies to lock down their supply chains, and how one state agency dealt with thousands of security mandates by building a risk framework from the ground up. This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now [Registration required] To read the report, click here. KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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