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Video Platforms, Social Learning, Data Architecture, Power Management, and Performance Analytics.
Welcome to the VoicesOn Friday Roundup. This week, we bring you white papers on Video Platforms, Social Learning, Data Architecture, Power Management, and Performance Analytics.
10 Things You Must Consider Before Buying an Online Video Platform
There are a wide variety of video platforms available, each offering a plethora of features. How do you decide which features you need and the features you don't need? In this paper you will receive ten tips and suggestions on how to make the correct choice for all of your online video platform needs.
Designing Social Learning Programs
Many learning professionals are keenly interested in the topic of social learning but relatively few organizations have begun to implement it. One reason is that it is difficult to separate the hype from reality and focus on the elements that are really important. Based on early experience with our own social learning tool, this list of eight "truths" has been compiled to provide a foundation for learning professionals who are launching social learning in their organizations.
Nimble Data Architecture: What Getting Data Integration Right Can Do for Your Business
In this whitepaper, we describe how executive and IT management can get and maintain control of their company's data architecture to help meet business objectives. We describe the relationship between data integration projects and data architecture concepts and practices. We describe how the business planning and IT development processes that direct and leverage data integration projects depend on tooling. We describe breakthrough ways in which data architects, business analysts, programmers, and business users can collaborate to address their organization's pressing business challenges.
By the Numbers: Lowering Energy Costs at the Desktop
The EPA's conservation methods help businesses reduce energy usage and provide potential savings through rebates and discounts. This paper outlines the cost and energy savings of effective computer power management.
SAS® High-Performance Analytics
Analysts have more time to experiment with advanced models to improve them, and executives can get answers to questions they never even knew to ask. As SAS CEO Jim Goodnight says, "With this software, we want organizations to reset how they think about solving problems." This paper explores the question: what could your organization do with faster, better answers, and provides possible use case scenarios that illustrate the value this technology brings to a variety of industries.
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