Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Windows Phone has 2% or less U.S. market share

  IT Blogwatch: Oracle v. Google: Jury verdict inconclusive | Government IT Spotlight: Partnering with neighborhood experts
  Computerworld Blogs

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Preston Gralla: Windows Phone has 2% or less U.S. market share, say two reports
Windows Phone continues to struggle to make inroads into the smartphone market, with two well-known research firms finding that it had 2% or less U.S. market share in the first quarter of the year. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Limelight

Warp Speed: The Nuts and Bolts of Web Acceleration Solutions
Enterprises are quickly realizing that they can't achieve the web performance they need by simply deploying their web server on a high-speed network. Improving page rendering speeds incrementally through content caching is no longer enough. It's time to look for dramatic performance gains by applying optimization techniques right at the browser. Learn More!


Maximize Mobile Choices for Employees
Is a tidal wave of consumer mobile devices flooding your workplace? You're not alone. Most IT professionals are under pressure from mobile professionals, who have a strong preference for Bring Your Own Device or BYOD. Rather than fight the growing tide, smart IT is looking for ways to give employees greater mobility, while minimizing risk and cost. Click to continue

IT Blogwatch: Oracle v. Google: Jury verdict inconclusive
The Jury is back with its crucial verdict on whether Google infringed Oracle's copyright. But it's unclear whether it's a usable decision, leaving the software-development world in a proper pickle. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers break out the Magic 8-Ball. Not to mention: School Portrait ... Read More

Government IT Spotlight: Partnering with neighborhood experts
Last month I blogged about the partnerships you should build inside your organization. In keeping with that tone it's time we discussed expanding that partnership mentality to include some of the best technical resources you can ever get hold of, those are the ones that work in your neighboring cities, municipalities, counties, regions, townships etc. Come on folks, these people are already doing exactly the same things as you! Read More


Forrester Wave Mobile Collaboration Report
Mobile collaboration means putting collaboration workloads onto all-important smartphones and tablets then delivering a great user experience anywhere, anytime, on any device. This is a high bar to clear, but we found 13 vendors able to clear it. Learn More Now!

Leigh Jasper: The collaboration system user interface:10 questions you need to ask
A collaboration system that doesn't get broadly adopted by the intended user base really isn't a collaboration system. It's just useless software code. So what drives adoption? Read More

Jonny Evans: Pebble and the iPhone future for the iPod range
While we wait for iPhone 5 the Kickstarter funded Pebble smartwatch seems to combine many of the concepts I imagine Apple might introduce within a future device I'm calling the 'iPhone nano'. Read More

Shark Tank: OK, which is it?!?
This pilot fish's company has a standard questionnaire for handling performance issues. But one otherwise helpful user seems just a little unclear on, well, something. Read More



If your organization's BI project is innovative, has positively impacted your business and has produced ROI, then we want to see your case study! In our upcoming Aug. 27 issue, we will showcase a select group of the biggest (and most fascinating) business decisions to which BI has contributed. Case study submissions will be accepted now through May 7. Submit your nomination using the above link.


Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features?


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 9:57 AM Kategori:


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