Friday, May 4, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III: The complete FAQ

  JR Raphael: Samsung Galaxy S III: The complete FAQ | Preston Gralla: Microsoft finally admits the Windows Live brand was a kludge
  Computerworld Blogs

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IT Blogwatch: Yahoo! My resume is wrong! (Inadvertently!)
Yahoo! is in full-on spin-control mode after revelations that its CEO's resume is materially inaccurate. CEO Scott Thompson claimed to have a Comp. Sci. degree, but he doesn't. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers break out the popcorn for the latest episode of Yahoo's death-march. Not to mention: A much-improved version of Gotye's ear-worm ... Read More

WHITE PAPER: Imation Scalable Storage

7 Simple Truths About Tiering Your Data
Dealing with the explosion of extreme data means more than containing it all. It's about determining what data is most useful to your business and where "speed meets need." Learn how you can use data tiering to transform unstructured data into "content" while keeping protection high and costs low. View Now

WHITE PAPER: Attachmate

New Ponemon Survey Reveals All Organizations Have Risk
Hacks, accidental disclosures and breaches appear in the news every week. This new survey shows the next victim could easily be you. Understand your risk—get this essential information now. The Ponemon survey on The Risk of Insider Fraud is provided by Attachmate Luminet. Learn More!

JR Raphael: Samsung Galaxy S III: The complete FAQ
Samsung's Galaxy S III is finally in front of us. So what's the new Galaxy all about, and when can you get your hands on it? Here are answers to all of your burning questions. Read More

Preston Gralla: Microsoft finally admits the Windows Live brand was a kludge
Microsoft has finally admitted what the rest of the world has known for years: The Windows Live brand is a kludge and deserves to be put to death. Microsoft has announced that it's finally doing that, in preparation for cloud-based services that will work in concert with Windows 8. Read More


Building a Long Term Information Systems Strategic Plan
Read the white paper to find out how your organization can utilize virtualization to attain the capacity and bandwidth needed to handle the information explosion. Read it now. Learn More.

Jonny Evans: Apple's iPhone 5 release date: Q3 launch?
Apple iPhone 5 speculation climbs yet another notch today on reports the company has begun winding down display orders for its existing model, making a third quarter iPhone 5 launch even more likely. Read More

JR Raphael: Watch Samsung's Galaxy S III event live
Samsung's Galaxy S III event takes place today in London. Here's how you can watch the whole thing live. Read More

Shark Tank: Nice try, though
This data warehouse manager pilot fish is responsible for a set of vital reports that are run every night and delivered by email to his company's top execs, from the CEO on down. So when he gets a call at 5 a.m., he gets right on the problem. Read More



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Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features?


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:29 AM Kategori:


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