Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Researcher misinterprets Oracle advisory, discloses unpatched database vulnerability

  SAP's Sikka fires back against Oracle's 'falsehoods' about HANA | Master MySQL in the Amazon cloud
  Computerworld Data Management

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Researcher misinterprets Oracle advisory, discloses unpatched database vulnerability
Instructions on how to exploit an unpatched Oracle Database Server vulnerability in order to intercept the information exchanged between clients and databases were published by a security researcher who erroneously thought that the company had patched the flaw. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Imation Scalable Storage

7 Simple Truths About Tiering Your Data
Dealing with the explosion of extreme data means more than containing it all. It's about determining what data is most useful to your business and where "speed meets need." Learn how you can use data tiering to transform unstructured data into "content" while keeping protection high and costs low. View Now

WHITE PAPER: Amazon Web Services

Microsoft SharePoint on the AWS Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides services & tools for deploying Microsoft® SharePoint® workloads on its cloud infrastructure platform. This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use these services and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. Deploy SharePoint quickly at lower total cost on AWS Cloud. Learn how

SAP's Sikka fires back against Oracle's 'falsehoods' about HANA
SAP's technology chief has given a strong rebuttal to a recent presentation by an Oracle executive that was critical of SAP's HANA in-memory database, saying it is full of "falsehoods." Read More

Master MySQL in the Amazon cloud
Amazon Web Services offer new challenges and flexibility for database admins -- here's how to avoid the pitfalls and tune for performance. Read More

HGST announces 12Gbps SAS SSDs for use in enterprise data centers
Western Digital company HGST announced what it claimed to be the first 12 gigabit-per-second (Gbps) SAS solid state drive for use in enterprise storage servers, delivering twice the throughput compared to current 6Gbps SAS technology. Read More

Best practices for selecting storage services for Big Data
Big data is fueling the need for ever-growing storage repositories. If you're looking to meet scalability concerns without breaking the bank, selecting a storage platform that can meet the needs of big data can be a challenge -- but it doesn't have to be an overwhelming one. Read More

Google Drive could be a boon -- and a headache -- for IT
With the launch of Google Drive, IT managers can look forward to a potential new productivity tool -- and some significant headaches, analysts say. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Imation Scalable Storage

A Scalable Approach To SMB Data Protection
Now that data has become an indispensable asset to your business, you can't afford to ignore it. Learn why an Imation RDX solution is the perfect scalable solution for SMBs with limited resources. View Now

Can Dropbox, other cloud providers survive Google Drive?
The 800-pound gorilla has landed and is leveraging its existing relationship with hundreds of millions of users to port them to their cloud storage and file sharing service Google Drive. Can smaller cloud storage players survive this assault? Read More

One in 10 second-hand hard drives in U.K. contain personal data
Britain's Information Commissioner's Office has discovered that more than one in every ten second-hand hard drives contains recoverable personal information of the original owner. Read More

How to build your first database with Microsoft Access
If you own a version of Microsoft Office that includes Access (Office Professional 2010 is the most current version), but you've never used it, you're overlooking a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing business data. I'll show you how to make the most of this relational database program. Read More

TechHive: Hands on with Dropbox's new sharing features
Despite many competitors, Dropbox is the de facto standard for syncing files across one's own computers and sharing them with others. New features extend Dropbox's reach substantially by making it possible to create a public, revokable link to any file or folder in a Dropbox sync folder. Read More

Box upgrades API to make it simpler, more powerful
Box has given its API a makeover so that developers will have an easier time building and integrating applications with its software, and have those applications do more than is currently possible. Read More



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Up ... er, down in smoke

Pilot fish's job is to serve as a roaming IT tech for this big company, going wherever he's needed -- and this time that means the office of a chain-smoking salesman with PC problems.


Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features?


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 8:37 AM Kategori:


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