Monday, May 7, 2012

Open source enables high-volume searches

  Apple wants domain handed over | Adobe preps silent Flash updates for Macs
  Computerworld First Look

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Open source enables high-volume searches
With the explosion of unstructured data, companies are looking for more options for enterprise search. Here's a look at the benefits and limitations of open-source search-enabled applications. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Imation Scalable Storage

A Scalable Approach To SMB Data Protection
Now that data has become an indispensable asset to your business, you can't afford to ignore it. Learn why an Imation RDX solution is the perfect scalable solution for SMBs with limited resources. View Now

In this Issue


Maximize Mobile Choices for Employees
Is a tidal wave of consumer mobile devices flooding your workplace? You're not alone. Most IT professionals are under pressure from mobile professionals, who have a strong preference for Bring Your Own Device or BYOD. Rather than fight the growing tide, smart IT is looking for ways to give employees greater mobility, while minimizing risk and cost. Click to continue

Apple wants domain handed over
Apple is disputing ownership of the domain, sparking speculation that the company will use the long-rumored name for its next smartphone. Read More

Adobe preps silent Flash updates for Macs
Adobe last week released a new beta of Flash Player that includes silent updates for Macs. Read More

Apple engineering mistake exposes clear-text passwords for Lion
Apple's latest update to OS X contains a dangerous programming error that reveals the passwords for material stored in the first version of FileVault, the company's encryption technology, a software consultant said. Read More

Dispatch from the technology culture wars
There's room for common ground in the tech culture war between the 'geeks' -- technical people who like to tinker with tech -- and 'noobs' -- nontechnical people who want gadgets to just work, writes columnist Mike Elgan. Read More

Jury nears verdict in Oracle-Google trial over Android
The jury has reached a partial verdict in the copyright phase of Oracle's intellectual property dispute with Google, and the judge has given them one more day to try to resolve the remaining issue. Read More

From 10 Must-Have Gadgets for the Traveling Executive
Members of an increasingly mobile workforce can suffer from gadget overload. From smartphones, tablets and notebooks to a wide variety of peripherals for security, battery charging and productivity on the go, deciding which devices to pack can be a daunting challenge. Here are 10 smart gadgets to help you work better while on the go. Read More

Less than half of Facebook, Google users understand sites' privacy policies
Most users of Facebook and Google had fundamental gaps in understanding, even after reading privacy policies, about how the websites handled their information and how other Web users could discover it, according to a study released by the digital branding firm Siegel+Gale. Read More


How to Take Business Analytics to the Next Level
Live Date and Time: November 29, 2011 - 12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PST By attending this webcast you will learn how you can implement an effective BA strategy that will deliver maximum strategic value to your company. Register Now

Hitachi launches all-in-one data center service
Japanese conglomerate Hitachi on Monday launched a new data center business that includes everything from planning to construction to IT support. Read More

Lenovo building plants to make tablets, smartphones
Chinese PC maker Lenovo plans to invest more than $796 million to build facilities for the development and production of tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices, it said Monday. Read More

Office Live Small Business customers grapple with migration
The deadline to migrate email domains and websites hosted on the Microsoft Office Live Small Business (OLSB) online service suite passed on Monday, but customers continue to post a steady stream of complaints and problem reports, indicating that the number of businesses that haven't made the transition is considerable. Read More

Tibco adds Hadoop support to Spotfire analytics tool
Tibco has brought its Spotfire in-memory analytics software into the burgeoning ecosystem around Hadoop, an open-source framework for processing large sets of information, the company announced Tuesday. Read More

Preston Gralla: Windows 8 tablets in the enterprise: A disaster in the making
Microsoft has revealed that Windows 8 tablets powered by ARM chips will be no easier to manage in the enterprise than iPads are. Read More

IT Blogwatch: Facebook Messenger: New privacy SNAFU
Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) is under fire for privacy problems yet again. This time it's the new version of Facebook Messenger, which leaks additional information about you -- some you can't disable. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers can't quite believe that Mark Zuckerberg didn't learn from the last 37,905 privacy flaps. Read More

IT Blogwatch: Samsung Galaxy S III (S3) vs. iPhone (4S): Review roundup
How does the Samsung Galaxy S III (S3, if you must) stack up, vs. the Apple iPhone 4S? It's time for one of Richi's roundups of reviews from around the Web. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers compare, contrast, and castigate. Read More



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Nice try, though

This data warehouse manager pilot fish is responsible for a set of vital reports that are run every night and delivered by email to his company's top execs, from the CEO on down. So when he gets a call at 5 a.m., he gets right on the problem.


Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features?


A majority of IT workers say they're under pressure to increase productivity and take on new tasks. But the vast majority are still happy they picked IT as their career.

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 4:57 AM Kategori:


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