Seagate to demo 12Gbps SAS SSD | Researchers use diamonds to boost computer memory | ||||||||||
Computerworld Storage | ||||||||||
OCZ releases performance-boosting SSD firmware, new 64GB drive WHITE PAPER: IBM Delivering rapid deployment of a modular data center Implementing an energy-efficient, compact data center can potentially reduce your operating costs-and carbon footprint-while making better of unused, outdoor space and equipment. Learn More. In this Issue
RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Good Technology Maximize Mobile Choices for Employees Is a tidal wave of consumer mobile devices flooding your workplace? You're not alone. Most IT professionals are under pressure from mobile professionals, who have a strong preference for Bring Your Own Device or BYOD. Rather than fight the growing tide, smart IT is looking for ways to give employees greater mobility, while minimizing risk and cost. Click to continue Seagate to demo 12Gbps SAS SSD Researchers use diamonds to boost computer memory DDR3 memory successor coming next year, Micron says Elgato's bus-powered Thunderbolt SSD WHITE PAPER: IBM Building a Long Term Information Systems Strategic Plan Read the white paper to find out how your organization can utilize virtualization to attain the capacity and bandwidth needed to handle the information explosion. Read it now. Learn More. Apple engineering mistake exposes clear-text passwords for Lion Feds outline plans for electronic exchange of patient information PHP will try again to patch chip flaw TechHive: Hands on with Dropbox's new sharing features
Chris Camacho, information security officer at The World Bank Group in Washington D.C., explains how the Red Sky alliance helps member organizations safely share information. Read More | ||||||||||
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CALL FOR ENTRIES -- COMPUTERWORLD'S BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE BEST IN CLASS 2012 If your organization's BI project is innovative, has positively impacted your business and has produced ROI, then we want to see your case study! In our upcoming Aug. 27 issue, we will showcase a select group of the biggest (and most fascinating) business decisions to which BI has contributed. Case study submissions will be accepted now through May 7. Submit your nomination using the above link. SHARK TANK OF THE DAY This IT boss pilot fish works for a small company, and his boss likes to keep certain problems inside the family -- such as his smartphone, for which he refuses to call the vendor when there are problems. CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features? COMPUTERWORLD'S IT SALARY SURVEY 2012 A majority of IT workers say they're under pressure to increase productivity and take on new tasks. But the vast majority are still happy they picked IT as their career. NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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