Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nook deal lets Microsoft integrate e-bookstore with its software, services

  Preston Gralla: How the NOOK Tablet might work running Windows 8 | Microsoft to retire Windows Live brand ahead of Windows 8 launch
  Computerworld Microsoft

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Nook deal lets Microsoft integrate e-bookstore with its software, services
Barnes & Noble will distribute its free Nook Metro app through Microsoft's Windows Store, putting to rest talk of Microsoft embedding the program in Windows 8. Read More


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In this Issue


Start by Protecting Data at the Source - Your Databases
This IDC white paper presents a proactive approach to data protection, discusses the growing threats to business information, and the impact government regulations have on requiring additional data protections. Learn More!

Preston Gralla: How the NOOK Tablet might work running Windows 8
There's no way to know whether the next NOOK Tablet will be based on Windows 8, although there's certainly a chance it will be. If it is based on Windows 8 rather than Android, here's how it might work.   Read More

Microsoft to retire Windows Live brand ahead of Windows 8 launch
Microsoft will retire the Windows Live brand as it gets ready to release what it describes as a more connected set of online consumer services with the launch of its Windows 8 operating system. Read More

IE 'silent' upgrade helps put newest browser on Windows
Microsoft's decision late last year to switch on 'silent' upgrades for Internet Explorer (IE) has moved some Windows users to newer versions, but has had little, if any, impact on the oldest editions, IE6 and IE7, according to usage statistics. Read More

German court grants Motorola an injunction against Windows 7 and Xbox
Motorola Mobility won an injunction on Wednesday preventing distribution of Microsoft products including Windows 7 and the Xbox in Germany, but it can't enforce the injunction yet. Microsoft will appeal the case and is confident it can keep doing business in Germany, the company said. Read More

Microsoft detects new malware targeting Apple computers
Microsoft has detected a new piece of malware targeting Apple OS X computers that exploits a vulnerability in the Office productivity suite patched nearly three years ago. Read More

After legal tussle, Google beats Microsoft for large US contract
The U.S. Department of the Interior has picked Google Apps to provide cloud-based email and collaboration applications to about 90,000 staffers, choosing Google's services over Microsoft's Office 365. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Attachmate

How Luminet Can Expose Insider Fraud
This solution brief tells how Attachmate Luminet fraud management software works to stop misuse and curtail privacy violations by seeing, recording, and analyzing user activity across all applications. Learn More!

Microsoft mute on Nook app's bundling with Windows 8
Microsoft on Monday declined to say whether Barnes and Noble's Nook app for Metro will be embedded into Windows 8 or Windows RT. Read More

Microsoft to take closer look at "racy" apps on Marketplace
Microsoft will from now on be paying more attention to the icons, titles, and content of apps on Marketplace, and expects them to get more subtle and modest in the imagery used, the company said in a blog post on Monday. Read More

LG backs off Windows Phone for now, report says
Smartphone-maker LG Electronics has backed off producing Windows Phone devices for now and will instead focus on Android phones, according to a report. Read More

Microsoft-Barnes & Noble deal could lead to Windows-based tablet
Microsoft's partnership with Barnes & Noble could lead to development of a Windows-based tablet or e-reader, not just a Nook e-reader application for Windows 8, some analysts said. Read More

Slow uptake of Windows 8 preview hints at lack of interest
Windows users appear half as interested in trying out the new Windows 8 as they did three years ago when they jumped at the chance to test drive Windows 7, data shows. Read More

Preston Gralla: Will the next NOOK Tablet run Windows 8?
An offshoot of the investment by Microsoft into the new NOOK subsidiary of Barnes & Noble may be having Windows 8 instead of Android powering the next NOOK Tablet. That would boost Windows 8 and Windows Phone, and help Barnes & Noble with sorely needed development assets.   Read More

Microsoft opens New York research lab, hires mainly Yahoo researchers
Microsoft is opening a research lab in New York City that aims to benefit from interaction with the academic and tech communities in the metropolitan area, as well as attract new talent to Microsoft, the company said. Read More



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Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features?


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:06 AM Kategori:


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