12 cool, creative and just plain weird gadget concepts | Microsoft boots Chinese firm for leaking Windows exploit | ||||||||||
Computerworld First Look | ||||||||||
Investors are pouring funds into big data RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: IT Roadmap 2012 Free Registration to IT Roadmap Dallas One day. 25+ conference sessions. Private expo. Peer-to-peer presentations. Keynotes. Analysts. Leading technology providers. IT Roadmap Dallas has everything you need to chart the best IT decisions for your business. Learn more at http://www.itroadmap.net/2012Dallas/nlp In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Imation Scalable Storage 7 Simple Truths About Tiering Your Data Dealing with the explosion of extreme data means more than containing it all. It's about determining what data is most useful to your business and where "speed meets need." Learn how you can use data tiering to transform unstructured data into "content" while keeping protection high and costs low. View Now 12 cool, creative and just plain weird gadget concepts Microsoft boots Chinese firm for leaking Windows exploit Crowdsourcing game helps diagnose infectious diseases Facebook's valuation for IPO will be lower than initially expected Yahoo CEO's resume overstated his technology background Yahoo board to 'review' discrepancy in CEO's resume Bloggers plead for Windows Live Writer's life WHITE PAPER: Qumu Business Video Empowers Social Media The wisdom of a company resides in the heads of those directly responsible for the non-routine work of the organization. This, coupled with increased demand to better communicate across distributed mobile workforces, is fueling organizational demand for scalable, affordable business video and user generated content. View Now From CIO.com: Is Apple Changing Its Enterprise Tune? Oracle, SAP fight over 'hypothetical license' damages VMware ups its collaboration offering with Lithium integration Authors argue that Google's book-scanning project hurts millions Handset vendors face 'brutal fight' for China's low-end smartphone market IT Blogwatch: Yahoo! My resume is wrong! (Inadvertently!) JR Raphael: Samsung Galaxy S III: The complete FAQ | ||||||||||
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CALL FOR ENTRIES -- COMPUTERWORLD'S BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE BEST IN CLASS 2012 If your organization's BI project is innovative, has positively impacted your business and has produced ROI, then we want to see your case study! In our upcoming Aug. 27 issue, we will showcase a select group of the biggest (and most fascinating) business decisions to which BI has contributed. Case study submissions will be accepted now through May 7. Submit your nomination using the above link. SHARK TANK OF THE DAY This is why we don't make assumptions Support pilot fish is tasked with replacing a phone because a professor at the local college can't hear his voicemail -- and his boss tells fish to make sure it's one of the new digital phones because of the prof's hearing aid. CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features? COMPUTERWORLD'S IT SALARY SURVEY 2012 A majority of IT workers say they're under pressure to increase productivity and take on new tasks. But the vast majority are still happy they picked IT as their career. NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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