Wednesday, May 2, 2012

802.11ac 'Gigabit Wi-Fi': What you need to know

BART defends mobile service shutdown to the FCC | Carriers desperately seeking Windows Phone

Computerworld Wireless Networking

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802.11ac 'Gigabit Wi-Fi': What you need to know
Your 802.11n wireless network and devices are about to become passe. Although the official 802.11ac specification won't be finalized until sometime in 2013, wireless equipment will soon appear on store shelves sporting the faster wireless protocol. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Limelight

Warp Speed: The Nuts and Bolts of Web Acceleration Solutions
Enterprises are quickly realizing that they can't achieve the web performance they need by simply deploying their web server on a high-speed network. Improving page rendering speeds incrementally through content caching is no longer enough. It's time to look for dramatic performance gains by applying optimization techniques right at the browser. Learn More!

WHITE PAPER: Amazon Web Services

Microsoft SharePoint on the AWS Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides services & tools for deploying Microsoft® SharePoint® workloads on its cloud infrastructure platform. This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use these services and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. Deploy SharePoint quickly at lower total cost on AWS Cloud. Learn how

BART defends mobile service shutdown to the FCC
Disrupting mobile phone service is a legitimate tool for law enforcement authorities working against terrorism or other dangerous situations, a mass transit agency has said in defending its own mobile shutdown last August. Read More

Carriers desperately seeking Windows Phone
AT&T and Verizon Wireless want Windows Phone smartphones to succeed in the U.S., partly to provide leverage against Apple's demands for subsidies required for selling the popular iPhone. Read More

Netgear to ship gigabit-speed wireless in May with 802.11ac router
Gigabit-speed wireless LAN equipment that uses the emerging IEEE 802.11ac standard is about to hit the market, with Netgear saying it will start shipping a consumer 802.11ac router in May for a starting list price of $199.99. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Compuware

APM Platforms Unify The Application Performance Lifecycle
This paper discusses the selection requirements and benefits for a common APM platform to be used for proactive lifecyclebased performance management across development, test and production. Learn More.

Sprint to stick with unlimited data, likely even for an iPhone on LTE
Sprint plans to stick with unlimited data plans for its smartphones, and that apparently applies even if the next iPhone runs over 4G LTE, which pumps data to users much faster than 3G, Sprint officials said. Read More

Sen. Grassley to allow vote on FCC nominees despite LightSquared worries
U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley plans to drop a hold he placed on two FCC nominees because of a tussle with the agency over documents related to its treatment of would-be hybrid mobile operator LightSquared. Read More

Kenneth Van Wyk: We need more secure mobile devices
As things stand now, all bets are off if you lose your smartphone. Read More


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Up ... er, down in smoke

Pilot fish's job is to serve as a roaming IT tech for this big company, going wherever he's needed -- and this time that means the office of a chain-smoking salesman with PC problems.


Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features?


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:18 AM Kategori:


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