Friday, March 23, 2012

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Friday Roundup: Big Data=2C Managing Microsoft Endpoints=2C Endpoint Protection=2C The Cloud=2C and Content/Collaboration in the Cloud?=

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Big Data, Managing Microsoft Endpoints, Endpoint Protection, The Cloud, and Content/Collaboration in the Cloud.


Welcome to the VoicesOn Friday Roundup. This week, we bring you white papers on Big Data, Managing Microsoft Endpoints, Endpoint Protection, The Cloud, and Content/Collaboration in the Cloud.

Big Data, Security & Operational Intelligence: Survey Results on the Existing Processes & Challenges
This is a survey of over 200 IT and security professionals regarding their definition and understanding of Big Data and what it means for their organizations. According to this report, few organizations are doing enough to protect their web infrastructure, despite knowing the need for managing their big data. The survey shows that Big data continues to garner attention, yet it's still largely misunderstood and underutilized for business intelligence purposes.

Minimizing Cost of Managing Microsoft Endpoints
Windows and most major Windows applications already offer a number of access points for agentless management. The best approach in maintaining effective management control of Windows endpoint systems is working with agentless technology that can quickly gather information, analyze that data, and recommend or remediate needed changes as required. Promisec's agentless technology is examined as a means of closing the endpoint compliance gap so prevalent in today's IT infrastructures.

E Is for Endpoint: Six Security Strategies for Highly Effective IT Professionals
Security professionals know that effective endpoint protection calls for a layered, defense-in-depth approach. But today's endpoints demand even more. Endpoint security now requires a new way of thinking that goes beyond just battling threats to actually enable operational improvement. Read this whitepaper to learn the six steps you need to think different about endpoint security.

The Cloud: Inevitable, But Not Ambiguious
Read this white paper to separate the technology and business potential from the marketing fluff. Get answers to your most pressing cloud questions and better understand when and where the cloud makes the most sense for your organization.

The Cloud: A New Home For Enterprise Content and Collaboration
As the amount of information continues to explode, it's more difficult - and more critical - than ever for people to find what they need in order to get their jobs done efficiently and accurately. Add in the myriad devices we use to create and access this information, the rising costs of storing all that data, and employees' desire and need to work wherever they are, and it's apparent why more organizations are turning to the cloud to create a smarter, more collaborative, enterprise.


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 11:18 AM Kategori:


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